Esposito Sec I Essay 3 Draft

There were a few comments i made about this paper. First was that it was not quite finished yet. When I asked him about it, he said that he wanted to come into class and brainstorm ideas on how to end his paper. This is what peep review is all about, being able to bounce ideas off other people too see if they like your ideas, or have any of your own. Throughout the year, i got a lot better at locating global revision changes rather than just local. When we first started with the peer review, I was really only marking small tings like commas and run on sentences. AsĀ  the year went on, i began to notice more and more global revision. Things like putting a whole paragraph somewhere else or even just a sentence, I am now able to pick up on them. This also comes in handy when I am looking over my own paper. All of the things that I learned from looking over other peoples papers can be used in my own work to better my writing and better my final draft.