Metaphors are used in every day context to help people better understand a variety of things. Metaphors are used in all applications of life to help people better understand what they are trying to grasp. By comparing two things that may seem like they have nothing in common, you could find your way to understanding something. Making little mistakes by comparing things that have nothing to do with each other, it could lead you to what you are looking for in the first place. Metaphors bring out ideas that would not otherwise be explored by the average person. Comparing a paintbrush to a pump may make no sense off the start, but if you look deeper into it, they both are used to disperse liquids, or pump out liquids. If you make these little comparisons, it could lead you to the truth you were looking for in the first place.
Being able to see things from your own perspective is important in viewing different issues. If you see from the perspective of the person who is telling you, you will see a bias opinion. Metaphors help people to better understand things in their own way. By comparing things together, they isn’t always a finite meaning behind it. There are often times many ways to interpret what is going on. Why does language effect us in this way? Humans tend to see things in the way that they are told in the first place, if someone cant grasp a concept, it is explained to them in a view of another person. Metaphors help to think individually and understand things in the way that we want to. If we just take everything we are told and live by it, we would be living false lives with many false ideas in our heads. The goal is to find a way that people can think individually and better understand certain aspects of life.
Talking about perception is such a key idea with metaphors. I liked how you introduced an example and explained the underlying meaning behind it. This will help the reader understand what metaphors are before they begin to read your essay.
I really enjoyed these two intro paragraphs. You brought up a very unique way of looking at metaphors by looking at them in greater depth. Overall, a very nice introduction to what you’ll be talking about.